Counseling » Welcome to the SJHS Counseling Site

Welcome to the SJHS Counseling Site

Mission Statement

As a Catholic High School Counseling Department, our vision is to empower our students to live meaningful, fulfilling lives rooted in Catholic values. We envision a school community where every student feels seen, heard, and supported, and is able to reach their full potential as a learner, leader, and member of our student body. We aspire to be a source of guidance, support, and inspiration for our students as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of high school and beyond, and to help them develop the skills and confidence they need to live lives of purpose and meaning. By working together and drawing upon the strength and wisdom of the Catholic faith, we hope to cultivate a culture of hope, resilience, and compassion within our school community.


2024-2025 School Year University Representative Visits
Thursday, September 12th 11:00 am on the HS Terrace University of San Diego (USD)
Monday, September 23rd 11:00 am on the HS Terrace Baylor University
Thursday, October 10th 11:00 am on the HS Terrace New York University (NYU)
Thursday, October 17th  11:00 am on the HS Terrace Lafayette College & Carroll College
Thursday, November 7th  11:00 am on the HS Terrace Whittier College
University representatives-we would love to have you visit our campus! If you are interested in coming to SJHS, please use Maia Learning to schedule a time slot that works best for you or reach out to Natalia Read at [email protected].
Contact Info
Ms. Read
Ms. Sarmiento
Community Service Hours
Log Your Hours through this Google Form
**80 hours of community service hours is a graduation requirement
Counseling Night Flyers & Information
  • August 22nd
  • August 29th
  • October 2nd